Auto Correct keeps my daily life so much more interesting…. especially with customers… One product I sell daily autocorrects to "Condom" so I sell a heck of a lot of condoms…
Mostly from www.damnyouautocorrect.com
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My abs hurt. Haha.
I really did fall in the floor laughing. Is this proof that iPhone fails at spelling?
+Jeremy Davies +Mike Keller I have no idea why these are so funny to me… but they are the one thing I just cannot stop laughing about…..
There are hundreds more epic ones.. these are just some of the ones I have seen over the year…
omg. my abs. I think that was worth about 500 situps…
bwaaaaa ha hahaa!!!! I love these too! Freaking hilarious!!!
Mike: the iPhone picks up on words you frequently use including words not in the dictionary.
For some of these to be a real autocorrect, they must have used those words a lot.
There's also a website where you can create your own… 🙂
I just about died laughing. Haven't read these in months, but they never get old.