So lets show facebook how much more awesome we are here on G+

29 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

I call upon the power of my awesome followers….

So I never ask for favors from my followers here, but I want to see my friends dog make it into this calendar and she only needs a handful of votes to make it happen Plus its a great shot, and way better than the others and then her dog get a pro photo shoot for the calendar, and here I was thinking there are no full time professional dog photographers, I learn something new everyday….

If you have a FB account just go to this link and like the photo, you should not need to like the page, just the photo… The pup has a cool story also it is below:

Hello! My name is DD. I came to my forever home in 2011 when I was just six months old. I was a "foster" dog. Apparently, a foster dog is a dog who gets to play all day, snuggle under the covers (or on top of my mom's head) at night, and most importantly, unlimited socks are provided to be tossed, tugged and chewed! I ended up a foster dog because I am deaf and my owners weren't able to put in the time to train me. Turns out, all I needed was a little companionship and love provided by my BT brother, Rupert (who convinced my people they HAD to adopt me), and my people, Jen and Justin. I may be deaf, but that doesn't stop me from howling at Rupert when he has a bone I want. And, like most BT's, I'm super smart and super charming. Who needs super hearing when all the rest of me is so super?? Thanks, AZBTR for giving me a second chance. Now, throw my bone.

Comments: 6

  1. Brandy Ellis 29 Aug 2013 Reply

    That's adorable, but I don't have a FB account anymore. Good luck!

  2. Brent Burzycki 29 Aug 2013 Reply

    We only need a handfull of votes.. and it all goes to a good cause… so if anyone has an acct take two seconds to vote…

    This is the last day..

  3. Terrell Woods 29 Aug 2013 Reply


  4. Brent Burzycki 29 Aug 2013 Reply


  5. Erwin Chung 29 Aug 2013 Reply

    It says the calendar entry is closed as of 8/9? liked it anyhow 🙂

  6. Brent Burzycki 29 Aug 2013 Reply

    Entry of photos…. Final day of voting is today…. Thanks…

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