I think I like the changes.. I am not sure I like the specific changes each time as much as I like Google's willingness to continue to innovate and change…
Let the complainers continue to complain – being uncomfortable is not a bad thing… so many think working and dealing with things, even day to day things that are outside of your comfort zone is bad… Really.. I love it…
When I started shooting stuff like the below, I was afraid to even talk to girls…!
I fixed that issue…. stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things is very important in day to day life…
big screen beauty, thanks +Brent Burzycki for making my stream a happier place!
+Chris Sullivan heck if it pops up now in the large format in the new layout.. it might be 24" of photo..
yes… I admit, I brought it up to the full 27 inches. I only wish I could have spanned my second display

– Love the pin stripes by the way
could I have a giant print please ?
Preferably without the red tint and without any clothes
+George Kalogeris picky…..
lol, that he is.
I haven't had time to adjust, but I don't like it for now. I find myself checking the time on the posts to be sure I am seeing them in chronological order.
I finally just put it in it's own narrow little single column window next to my regular size browser. While experimenting with various browser widths, I found that I prefer single column and I can tolerate three column, but I absolutely don't like two columns.
Aside from anything specific to G+, this seems to be just one more instance of something being formatted with tablets in mind. I don't like that.
Hope you are right, but now this changes looks rather fatuously.
Testing the new "Auto Enhance" feature of pics on G+?

This the new G+ already feature this girl's profile?
nice shot, +Brent Burzycki, that's what matters!