So close yet so far – The journey from page 10 on 500px to Page 1 is a long, long…

01 Sep 2013 admin In G+ Posts

So close yet so far – The journey from page 10 on 500px to Page 1 is a long, long way… I have to say that if +500px is somehow a gauge or way to scale interest in your photos, just like with life or anything you try to excel at the last steps are always the hardest.

I find it an interesting way to know that you never can stop trying to improve and much like working out, just when you think you're in shape your buddy shows up and blows you out of the water.

All of these sites are a strategic mix of interesting subject matter, execution, interest and in the end social following to push an image to the top slots… 

Trying to attain that mix of all those and make them all line up on one image is hands down one of the most difficult issues I have come across in photography. Years ago a friend said photography (when trying to do it as a business or so you can become "popular" is 95% marketing and 5% or less actual shooting…

I think that is why I continue to use my photography as a hobby vs a career. Thou i see many here that are excelling in photography as a career, I also know how incredibly hard they need to work to maintain interest in their work.

People are fickle and lose interest quickly, just look at popular electronics, we always want the next better thing. Trying to maintain that level of interest is very hard work… Plain and simple…

One day I will see one of my images on page 1 or an editors choice, till then I will continue to follow my hobby and use it as a way to push myself each time I pick up a camera. And remember to never get discouraged, and always feel free to ask for pointers and help.. especially here…

Comments: 3

  1. just think all those folks on page 300 are dreaming of being on page 10. onward and upward Brent.

  2. Edward Bartel 1 Sep 2013 Reply

    I like your thinking here Brent.  While it is unlikely I would ever pursue photography as more than an avid amateur, I tip my hat to those that put in the hard work necessary to keep their visibility up.  For me, it is just G+, deviantART & occasional flickr.  That already seems like a lot of work…

  3. Brent Burzycki 1 Sep 2013 Reply

    I just like to push myself….. At about anything I do I am not very happy unless I continue to push… That said there is not enough time in the day to be really good at everything…. Hopefully I live to 300 then I can get half of what I want to get done done…

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