Since +Sandra Parlow feels all I post are crotch shots..
Here is one that only involves a bit….
Here is one that only involves a bit….
Playing with different B&W techniques… not really sure I have found anyone that really works for me…. time to continue to experiment…
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I always struggle with black and white processing too. But I like this one. It's a good balance of black, grey tones, and white. The Ribcage area seems a little blown out, but it's not very distracting.
Where are all these crotch shots? 😉
once!! I said it once!!!
+Jeremy Carlton most of those would be on my 500px site…
Off to 500px. 😉
I don't have it yet, but I've heard rave reviews from some top photographers for Nik's Sliver Efex Pro 2. If you try it out, I'd love to see some comparisons.
I second the niks Silver Efexs plug in!
I have it and have used it… I honestly am not that happy with the results from silver efx pro… I think I need to look past the presets only thou…
That's the issue dude. Presets only work for the specific image the preset was originally created for. Hence why I find it quite funny the amount of people that buy Lightroom presets 🙂 every image is different so they're probably not going to work. Play with the sliders and see what happens and try to have an idea in mind as to what you want the finished image to look like beforehand. Have some fun with it.
Oh sadly I know… But it's more about the time to actually sit and play with images… I am lucky to edit an image a week lately.. And it does not take me a week to edit an image… all that means is I can barely find 15 minutes a week to edit one image..
I totally understand the lack of time… This time of year is so busy with normal work I don't get the time to shoot the fun stuff I love doing.