Should I find this shot from the news in bad taste?

13 Jul 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 15

  1. Rick Schey 13 Jul 2013 Reply


  2. Rick Schey 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    All my American airline pilot friends told me, the USA trains pilot's much better than overseas pilots 🙂

  3. Rick Schey 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    Would never travel overseas 🙁

  4. Lori Carey 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    are they survivors of the crash, or just tourists?

  5. Brent Burzycki 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    I believe they are just tourists.. It was not mentioned….

  6. Shawn Young 13 Jul 2013 Reply


  7. Doug Thompson 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    I think this is photo shopped. The plane has been put into a hanger and also was never this close to a fence. It was on the runway until it was cut apart and moved to a hanger.

  8. Olav Folland 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    Shop or no, it's touristic, not journalistic. The former has a 'I was there' levity, while the latter tries to convey the story in the images captured.

    I find it in extremely poor taste, but I don't know if I'd beat them down until they ran away in penance.

  9. Olav Folland 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    There are a lot of artifacts that make me wonder if this isn't a piss-poor photoshop job though. In some ways, that's even worse.

  10. Brent Burzycki 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    Ok I took a photo of this on my tv.. It was an interview with these two people at the crash storage area… It was just behind this fence till it was tarped off today… No Photoshop.. Just a terrible photo of the tv screen..

  11. Elizabeth Hahn 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    Is this from the same channel that effed up the names of the crew?

  12. Doug Thompson 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    Yep! +Elizabeth Hahn A shame really.

  13. Elizabeth Hahn 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    Good grief. You'd think they'd have learned from that mistake. 🙁

  14. Brent Burzycki 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    I have a deeper concern that these two people believe that it's ok or cool… I wonder what the thinking behind the need for the photo is… Even if I was a survivor I would not find the need for this image… It just shows that people are strange.. And why people do things is not usually well thought out… Which disturbs me at all sorts of levels… I fear the smart and involved people in our society are being ruined by people that do not think before they act…

  15. Elizabeth Hahn 13 Jul 2013 Reply

    I can understand the desire to take a picture of the wreckage. But to put yourself in the picture, that's not documentary. To put yourself in the picture and be grinning, that's just tacky.

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