Sharing out this killer circle

05 Dec 2011 admin In G+ Posts
.. yeh I am part of it but its a great circle for those starting to follow interactive photographers here…IE: these people will more than likely talk back to you….

Reshared post from +Scott Jarvie

239 Most Interactive Photographers on Google+

These people have consistently proven they know how to be friendly and they know how to communicate. They are Google+ socialites that love to +1, comment, share and sometimes hangout.

Make your connections and your friends however you want here on Google+ but these people are a great place to start if you want my opinion.

About the list
People on this list range from full time well known photographers to many people that are just starting off in photography.

What connects them? They all interact a lot on Google+

Yes, There are tens of thousands of people that interact a lot… This list was put together by myself +Scott Jarvie with the help of many other interactive photographers; It represents "The MOST" interactive.

I have spent many hours verifying that it is a quality list though I fully admit it will never be perfect.

The size of this list has doubled since it was last released in september. You can merge the list into the old list.

Comments: 4

  1. Craig Luecke 5 Dec 2011 Reply

    Great circle!!

  2. Fábio Pereira 6 Dec 2011 Reply

    +Yuko Azuma is one great photographer, shares many photography circles too. 🙂

  3. Brent Burzycki 6 Dec 2011 Reply

    +Fábio Pereira Already in my circles.. thanks…

  4. Don J Schulte 7 Dec 2011 Reply

    Great idea for a circle. Added them all that I did not already have. Big Thanks!

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