Look locally and barter skills for location fees. But beware that in many cases you the photographer is liable for damages and injury when on scene at a location. Many of us get away with no issues daily but make sure if you are running your own business and using locations that you carry the proper insurance or at least know what issues you open yourself up too when shooting on location.
I have many forms that models need to sign, Model Release – Liability Release – Copy of ID – Permission to use Pictures and a Property Release for the location owner to sign that shows how the area will be used.
Sometimes the best investment in your photography business and career might be a consultation with an experienced photography / media lawyer to make sure you paperwork is in order in your particular state (remember they are all different) here is California, I could fill out all the paperwork in the world and will still get sued.
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Those are some very large….stools. All kidding aside, I love the blue treatment. My alcoholic brain connects that with the blue tinge in Tonic Water and makes me thirst for a G&T.
+Ed Greshko there are stools in this photo.. hmm 🙂 Thanks thou – I think the editing on this image was really intended to do what you said – maybe seeing the world as you would at a bar after a bit too much …. or this is some drunk fantasy girl, or fantasy in general…
Love the blue tones here!
Women you so chip ?
+John Hand ok I will ask…. ?????