#photoaday   #btlcritique   #btlphotocritique  

23 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags: , ,

#photoaday   #btlcritique   #btlphotocritique  

Something different in B&W – I put this up as a photo critique – so please feel free to let me have it based on your views of the shot….I am also happy to critique back… just post links to your work…

I will see what people think before I say anything good or bad about it…. I sure have my opinions..


+Behind the Lens: Photo Critique Group 

Comments: 9

  1. Mike Lawler 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    I find the light little on the harsh side. other then that lovely capture

  2. Stephen Dickson 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    I really like the pose, lighting and camera angle on the model.  But the pole on the left is very distracting as is the shadow bottom right.

  3. John Livingston 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    Wait… the picture has a pole?

  4. Anthony Noe 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    A bit washed out and the mirror brace (?) in the back is way too distracting.. But still, it's a nice capture of emotion and a good mix in the message, so that should keep 'em comin' back.

  5. Gary Tivey 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    Sillycones ? but nice abs… 

  6. Elkyn Orellana 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    Your lighting is harsh, but that is your style and is what I like about it. If you could soften the shadows from camera right that would help, or moving the main light more towards camera left and raising it a bit.

    From a compositional view, she should have moved about a step and a half towards camera right. This would help to balance the image, and block the chair that is behind her.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Troy Parry 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    The side boob works, but I would have pulled those puppies together and used shadow to give them depth. Also, I find the background composition a bit messy, it attaches to the model too much (behind hair, and some pole from the side boob).

  8. Ananda Sim 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    Looks good small, when looking at the 500px size, I notice that her facial expression is not attractive (the expression not the face) and there seems to be mottling on the thigh that hints at cellulite (but isn't)

  9. Stephen Carter 23 Sep 2012 Reply

    I like it the way it is 🙂  It's not conforming to any cliche'd idea. Well done.I find myself looking at the image and enjoying it, which , to me, is the mark of a good photo.

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