Also – I am making two circles – One for actual Active Glamour & Model Photographers and one for people that just like seeing the type of photos posted below…. PLEASE CLAIM A CIRCLE POSITION BELOW …ie: leave me a comment and say where you might want to go.. the Active Glamour Circle will be small and will bring together active glamour and model photographers to help share ideas etc..
The other is for anyone that wants to see images like this in a more select intimate circle atmosphere…..
Sorry I have been slacking it seems.. met with a new Physical Therapist and now I get to concentrate on fixing me for awhile.. but I am hoping to keep up with this project….
"your broke, but you can fix you" Hey thanks.. I thought I am paying you to fix me.. the me fixing me thing has not been working out to well…
And if you are over on +500px take a second if you feel like it should get a vote.. http://500px.com/photo/12978107
Second circle, please. The "models" I'm photographing usually have fur coats and they won't take them off 🙂 (and paws and tails, too)
+Reggie Hudson thanks..
+Teodor Negru that does make it difficult.. thou I know plenty of models that have claws….
Damn, you have talent, sir. – I'd like to see more of the pics.
I am just at the beginning stage of shooting models. I have two model shoots lined up this weekend and would certainly be interested in support from other people shooting models. But I don't really do glamour stuff myself so not sure if that counts me out or in?
I say the circle is more active model photographers… Not just Glamour, as most tips etc can be used across the board
Yeah I think I might sometimes fit in that photog circle 🙂
Great stuff!
OK – then count me in! Thanks 😀
Please put me in the seeing circle, as I don't do models / glamour at this stage. I apply lighting and composition from everything I am interested in though to my own stuggle/growth 🙂 Thanks!
First one please. The active one. 🙂
Second circle. Great photo
Second circle, nice work.