+Jim Davis started something the other day that got me thinking about what I want to do next and how I want to do it, (dang you Jim Davis) and I think I want to harken back to my days of B&W, but mix it with a bit of sexiness that I seem to be ok at and maybe add something more that I have not yet figured out how to do yet, and that's what makes learning and experimenting fun..
That said here is my first attempt at both.. and I really want to see what people think, is B&W dead? Is B&W mixed with the female form dead?
Do people think this stuff is sexy?
Do you consider this too sexy?
Is this NSFW? (All our works differ so I ask publicly)
(Heck who knows it might even get flagged – hopefully not as I see much more explicit in the check out isle of the supermarket)
Give me your feed back… I am looking for help on direction…. I want to make the right choices based on input from the people I trust here on G+
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Oh this is sexy in B&W +Brent Burzycki and I like it!
This is just right – sexy, but keeps it tasty/elegant. Pure beauty.
so far the comments are going in the right direction.. phew thats good to see…. time to check back in the AM and see… Thanks +Kevin Tapp +Jim Davis +Margus Saluste +Mauro Bartoccelli
Is B&W dead? Of course not.
Is B&W mixed with the female form dead? No.
Do you think this stuff is sexy? Sure.
Do you consider this too sexy? No.
Is this NSFW? I'm not the best to judge, but I think a lot of people would say "Yes". This may also be against G+ rules. (I don't have a problem with it.)
It's hard to say much about new direction based one picture. It seems like a fine start.
+Mike Spinak what – my entire new direction cannot be based in one image…. dang it…!
Thanks Mike… your POV is appreciated…
i think its sexy, and the black and white always give out a certain class. Keep them pics coming.
Great image! I don`t think B&W is dead at all. I also don`t think this image would create the same mood in colour and therefore B&W should never die (why did I think AC/DC after typing that). The reason that I like it is the use of the contrast in and around the eyes. You`ve done a great job making the eyes pop.
I do think it's a sexy image. Not too sexy for me. I suspect a lot of the folks I knew back home would publicly be offended but privately keep the image squirreled away. NSFmyW but if you're a pro photographer it's a portfolio pic. My guess is that B&W has a niche and will continue to hold it because it excels as a way to emphasize form and, well, the feminine form is undeniably powerful and we really can't help but want to glorify it. And lastly, these are just my opinions.You don't have to agree, but thanks for listening.
It's sexy in a very tasteful way. Definatly not too sexy but I wouldnt have this up at work, if that makes sense.
B/W is still an artistic style and definitely B/W female shots are the best in this photography style, in my opinion ! This photo is a good example,although it could use more contrast,it's sexy and very beautiful at the same time.
+1 to all the comments above, & I thought more contrast would add to the image
Thanks for all the comments… I will read more and reply when I am not at work…
If you happen to be over at 500px also give it a vote there so I can try to hit the front page so it actually gets seen and voted on – seeing I think if you are anywhere but the front votes are very minimal.. thanks
Here is the link:
It's sexy, but not too much. BW is my main style right now with the amazing SEP 2. Your doubt has no basis.