Ok +Google+ the latest app updates have auto refresh jumping back to the top of the stream on phone and tablet.. That is a terribly annoying bug that was gone but now seems to be back…
Is this a know issue… I see it on 3 different devices.. Nexus7 Nexus10 and Galaxy S4..
Anyone else seeing this issue…
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why in the hell do you have so many phones?
One phone two tablets….
there's only one of you!! how many do you need?!!
I use the phone for work and phone.. And the tablet for when I am watching TV and or streaming stuff to the TV.. Or reading… Plus I bought them to verify formatting on a book we wrote in Kindle and also some training manuals my guys use..
lol! I'm just having fun with ya, +Brent Burzycki !!
I was going to say just to tick off Sandra…
ha ah!! I've missed you, buddy!
Thanks pal ze wal ze
ha! that came up with a translate link..
It's American for bite me
just kidding…
just show me where, baby!! ;P
Yes… I've noticed this bug as well. Very annoying when you're scrolling down the stream only to be taken back to the top unexpectedly.
I know…. Sandra is very buggy and annoying..
But yes that is the issue I am seeing +Erik Hirner
;P now you can bite me ;P
you shoulda got an iPad instead! ;P
ducks and runs away
Wow… Really… You ipaded me…. Ouch
bwaa ah a hahahahaaaa!!!
Oh no +Sandra Parlow….I just upgraded from an iPad to a Nexus 7. One of the best tech moves I've made.
Take that +Sandra Parlow 2 against one
:p. I am firm in my beliefs!!!
+Sandra Parlow its ok – many people have succumb to the evil empire…
na na a na na ana!! I can't heeeaaar yoooouuuu!!!
+Sandra Parlow oh its ok – your time will come..
no way, I have no interest in being able to hack my devices.
Oh I do not hack my android devices – they just work better and give me more options for how I can use them…I will not hold it against you…
+Brent Burzycki I know someone who switched over their battery only lasts 5 or 6 hours.. compared to what used to last them all day long.
that in itself is enough to keep me happy with what I have! ;P
I can go all day on my Nexus 5 with no problems. It's not all Android devices. The Moto X has great battery life too.
My big problems with iPod, iPad, and iPhone devices are a crappy keyboard that you can't replace, very poor sharing setup, and at least for the iPhone/iPod, too small of a screen.
Once you go big, you never go back.
small fits in my pocket better… I guess only ever having had the apple devices, I don't have anything different to compare them to so I'm happy. I dont' know what you mean by poor sharing set up, for example.