Ok – anyone own a Total Gym? – Like it – Hate it?

04 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts Tags: , ,

Comments: 11

  1. Daryl Butcher 4 Jan 2014 Reply

    Yeah.  Works OK.  Wish I had more time for it.  A bit confusing to get it up and going but you can work up a sweat.

  2. Brent Burzycki 4 Jan 2014 Reply

    So it's more about using it and not about it or what it can do…

  3. PJ Ammidon 4 Jan 2014 Reply

    I love mine. Need to start using it again. I like that it kind of stretches your muscles out when you use it.

  4. Brent Burzycki 4 Jan 2014 Reply

    It is sort of like minor pilates and exercise all in one… I am looking for a good solution to help me rebuild from some injuries..

  5. Mike Lewis 4 Jan 2014 Reply

    I have one too, and love it. You can work out just about any part of the body, that is if I actually used it 😉

  6. Brent Burzycki 4 Jan 2014 Reply

    Sadly +Mike Lewis that's my issue also… And when in pain but you need to workout to rebuild it's even easier to find excuses

  7. Anne Hunter 1 Feb 2014 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki
    When ever I can leave mine set up, is when I use it most often, with great results.
    If I have to set it up
    for each workout…
    I just do not get around to it consistently.
    Which is odd because it is not hard to set up or put away…
    but there it is
    Love mine, Love the Results, I do not understand why that above is true
    for me
    it is

  8. Brent Burzycki 1 Feb 2014 Reply

    Interesting +Anne Hunter I know I get motivated by results

  9. PJ Ammidon 1 Feb 2014 Reply

    I kind of have the same issue as +Anne Hunter . It doesn't seem safe to leave set up if you have small kids around.

  10. Anne Hunter 1 Feb 2014 Reply

    +PJ Ammidon
    Not just small kids, my daughter, (14 at this writing), who has always shown a healthy caution of both fire and cutting tools, just recently
    got right up on our Total Gym
    without Looking to Make Sure the Pin was IN.
    & I always leave it set at top level, with the ab crunch attachments up
    a, takes up less space
    b, if nothing else, I am doing those, at that level!

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