Now this is just awesome – +Frederick Van Johnson you should interview this guy!

10 Jul 2014 admin In G+ Posts Tags: ,

Comments: 5

  1. Thorpe Griner 10 Jul 2014 Reply

    Really awesome!

  2. Doriane Champagne 10 Jul 2014 Reply

    Thanks for sharin ! Long life to your fine art xx

  3. Terrell Woods 10 Jul 2014 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki GREAT FIND on this vid and story. Young cat is passionate about his craft. It would be fun to have the old military boots-on-the ground veteran +Frederick Van Johnson interview the young fly-boy. Lets see who's king of that hill!

  4. Brent Burzycki 10 Jul 2014 Reply

    +Terrell Woods exactly my thought…

  5. I'd be inclined to agree with that +Brent Burzycki & +Terrell Woods

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