Leave it to good ol’ Reddit to hit the nail on the head for the latest Apple…

03 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 16

  1. Cassius Wright 3 Sep 2014 Reply


  2. Brent Burzycki 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    +Cassius Wright nice one…!

  3. Dei Granato 3 Sep 2014 Reply


  4. Ian Eisenberg 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    It's cute. Can you make one for Dropbox and the other cloud services the files came from?

  5. Jay Litten 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    +Ian Eisenberg you mean iCloud and iCloud, or just iCloud? 🙂

  6. Ian Eisenberg 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    If that suits your inner monologue.

  7. Brent Burzycki 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    Well apple did admit they came from a targeted attack on their services but "they are not responsible" that sounds like an excuse but if the users had terrible passwords I would not take responsibility either…

  8. Jay Litten 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    Even as an owner of 2 Macs (work computers), it amazes me how some folks protect the Apple brand at any cost. Undeniable denial. And, yes +Brent Burzycki, I blame the users first. Good point.

  9. Sean Archer 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    And here, I thought for a second that Charlie Brown died. 

  10. Ian Eisenberg 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    That is the point. This was a social engineering attack not a security issue or fault of Apple's.
    No one used truly secure passwords or hashing and no one had two factor authentication.

    But it's easy for some to blame Apple to satisfy their own feelings.

  11. Jay Litten 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    +Ian Eisenberg so, by your line of thought, Apple is just a victim in this? No way. Apple needed only a few hours to patch the flaw that allowed the attack in the first place. Apple failed.

  12. Brent Burzycki 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    Everyone is technically at fault… Apple should require really good passwords and two factor Auth… All services should… And people should not be dumbasses about their security…

    And very popular people should understand they are targets and not be surprised when they are hacked if their password is 1234 and they are not taking all steps to be safe online..

  13. Sean Archer 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    You really think someone like Jennifer Lawrence didn't have someone coach her on password security when she became hyper-famous. I think that's pretty much par for the course when you hit super-stardom. 

  14. Ian Eisenberg 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    No, I don't. I think her assistant bought her a new phone and handed it to her.

  15. Jay Litten 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    +Sean Archer I would hope all people are coached in best practices – including celebs who obviously have a lot to lose.

    Maybe this event will help people realize that they need geeks. Call 800-MY-GEEKS, only $109.95 / hr. 1-hr minimum. Onsite visits extra. (not really)

  16. Brent Burzycki 3 Sep 2014 Reply

    I agree with Ian – most stars have zero clue to real life and how potentially scary it is – they learn from having it happen to them..

    I know if I made a billion a year I could probably afford to spend 12 bucks on +LastPass and run google authenticator ..

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