Last day to get in on this FitBit Give-a-way – Feel free to post and reshare it to…

11 Feb 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags: ,

Last day to get in on this FitBit Give-a-way – Feel free to post and reshare it to get added to the list for the give-a-way – I will choose the random winner tomorrow night…at some point

Post your comments on this original thread:

Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki

FitBit Give-A-Way
Do not know what a FitBit is you can read about my experience on my site:

So here is the story on why I am giving away one……. It's simple to expose more to a product that is currently helping me and many of my friends get into better shape every day. Being healthy is very hard to attain…. take it from me a guy that has battled chronic issues for most of his adult life from gut issues to neck pain issues etc… Taking the time to get in shape sometimes takes motivation we do not have at the end of the day and for some the Fitbit will and can be that motivating factor. This comes from others that have them and the support network or simply from your friends that might have one and can harass you endlessly till you get off the couch.

How do you qualify to win the thing… it's simple… reshare this post and tag it with #fitbitgivaway – then post a comment in this thread about why you want one…. It can be simple or long and drawn out… This is also a great way to find out more about others with possibly the same goals here on G+….

People like +Sharon Strandskov are great people to follow if you are interested in tech and health topics.. she has a write up on FitBit also you should check out…

You do not need to follow me but if you like photography or talking about technology maybe I am worth adding to a circle. And I know I am more interactive than many of the big names on here.. but look for yourself at my older posts and follow if you want… it is not required.

The give-a-way starts today and will run till next Sunday the 12th of Feb. – then I will randomly pick a winner out of the posts on this thread.. if for some reason the thread fills up I will create another thread and the give-a-way will continue… or I will possibly just give-away another one… I know this audience is international and I will ship it international as long as the costs are not totally out of hand…or we can work out something based on friends in the states that can take items for you etc… International shipping is expensive and customs is a pain…

I also want to extend an option for those that might want to buy one and do not care about this give-a-way.. Use the link below – it is an affiliate link yes I know but here is the deal… If you use the link, any proceeds I get from the sales will go right back into more give-a-ways and this circle will continue..

I want to be transparent on this one but this is the only way I could think of to try to help keep the give-a-ways going…..

Feel free to voice your hate for the idea or comment and get included to possibly be the new owner of one of these very cool devices…

Here is the link:
It is legit – it just links via the affiliate site to the fitbit site…

People here should know me well enough that I do not post many if any links for affiliate sales..and if I do I tell you about it… this one thou could benefit many here if people buy through it…

As you can see by the photo I carry mine as a money clip so I do not forget it… As you can tell by the dollar in it – I am not here to get rich…


Last if you have a FitBit now – let us all know – I know I am looking for people to put me to shame daily….

Comments: 2

  1. Brent Burzycki 12 Feb 2012 Reply

    If you shared this post and want to be in on the give-a-way make sure to comment here:

  2. Shared and I want one because Its devices like this that keep me motivated to excercise. I try to walk/run 4 to 5 miles a day and this would be great to monitor and use with my existing apps on my Nexus.

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