Continuous heart rate monitoring is interesting for both understanding health better and also for tracking. This unit uses bluetooth to connect to a smart phone etc. (not all so be warned)
It senses the volume of blood under your skin… go figure..
Sadly none of these devices do it all.. One device that does BP, Heart Rate, BMI, and Pedometer all built into one would be a great solution.. but then you would have a tri-corder.
+Fitbit is a great solution for Steps, Stairs, and Calorie burned estimates
This device is interesting for HR tracking and knowledge
Sadly no BP device is available that is not bulky
I know +Sharon Strandskov has tried a lot of these devices and is in way better shape than me.. Have you used one of these yet?
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I haven't used this yet,I will have to read about it and compare it to Basis. Previous technologies have done a poor job at measuring heart rate via wrist consistently over a decent period of time, and I think Basis was the first one that was truly different.
+Sharon Strandskov this one is using interesting tech from Phillips – I believe it was started in hospital setting for measuring resting heart rate – then clearly had to be made more robust.. I have done an off the cuff – quick comparision with my Polar – and its right there with it.. so we will see..
Heck Basis looks even more interesting… as it has even more sensors.. do you have one of those?
from Phillips, oh then it must be good. technically superior, remember the video 2000 system, only their design is mostly a little off, not to say ugly, while discussing this with a friend he tried to convince me they did that on purpouse as most people had bad taste. ;P
+Brent Burzycki I'm a bit more simple minded. I use a Garmin synced to my Tanita BC-1000. HR, steps, body composition all taken care of. For sure the my watch does not look as sleek as that Phillips!