From Wikipedia: "The main flight control of a Viper is a three buttoned joystick, similar to a jet fighter. The three buttons are labeled FIRE, TURBO and IM, with the fire button being red. The IM button is the reverse thruster. Notably in "Saga of a Star World" and "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero (Pt. 2)" some Vipers have STORES on the joystick instead of FIRE."
Oh yes!
I remember this well.
Battlestar Galactica (old)
The Viper joystick!!!!!
Alert Starbuck & Apollo
Fire, Turbo and Instant Message?
I have no idea what IM has to do with what that button actually does.
They didn't have Twitter so they used IM
Isn't this Top Gun?
Not sure what it means….. Interceptor missiles?
That was the button they used for instant reverse thrust. What IM has to do with that, I don't know ….
Illusive Mode…
Invisible Mode
Instant mess… As in what my shorts would look like….
From Wikipedia: "The main flight control of a Viper is a three buttoned joystick, similar to a jet fighter. The three buttons are labeled FIRE, TURBO and IM, with the fire button being red. The IM button is the reverse thruster. Notably in "Saga of a Star World" and "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero (Pt. 2)" some Vipers have STORES on the joystick instead of FIRE."
I did see stores on it in the episode.. Which was strange…
Stands for "inverse mode" according to an interview of a BSG writer.
Also – explains the stores button etc – in this link – from a Vietnam era helicopter for capturing aerial footage.