If you have not had a chance to take a look at +Fotostat it might be a solution you can use as a heavy Social media user or simply as a Photographer that is looking to streamline their workflow for Social

29 May 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 4

  1. Daniel Treadwell 29 May 2014 Reply

    Thanks for the share +Brent Burzycki, be sure to let us know if there is any way we can improve the service for you.

  2. Hey +Daniel Treadwell – we should chat about your service. It looks very interesting!

  3. Daniel Treadwell 7 Jun 2014 Reply

    +Frederick Van Johnson, more than happy to have a chat, feel free to message me on here or email me at daniel@fotostat.com

  4. Brent Burzycki 7 Jun 2014 Reply

    +Frederick Van Johnson make sure you talk to Daniel about his WordPress plugin also… I have been using it to get g+ posts to my site and it does work very well…

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