If you are on 500px – take a look and let me know what you think.. Thou it is NSFG+ – It is not terribly adult.. but that depends on who you are…
Relax….. was published using 500px, the world’s best photo sharing community.
If you are on 500px – take a look and let me know what you think.. Thou it is NSFG+ – It is not terribly adult.. but that depends on who you are…
Relax….. was published using 500px, the world’s best photo sharing community.
Great work!
Very sensual & incredibly sexy.
+Loz Keeley thanks…. it is interesting what a little imagination and only minor nudity can do..
Another great shot. Big fan of your work for a while now
thanks… glad someone likes it… makes me want to take more time to shoot.. that I never seem to have….
+Brent Burzycki agreed! A text book example of less is more.
Great shot. Love the lighting on it. It gives that sensual feeling to it.