I would have to agree with this

29 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 8

  1. AJ White 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    True, this is why I don't play games on FB. I am actually growing tired of FB. Still using it for my fan page thou.

  2. Tom McGowan 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    So true +Brent Burzycki my mother in law is addicted :))

  3. Brent Burzycki 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    I will not lie.. I played it for a short time…. But it was then boring and I spent no money on it and would not share to my friends…

  4. Bill Moisuk 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    I think people are influenced by video games. Kids don't realize what reality is; they drive cars like a crash would just call fora simple reboot. Of course people aren't going to "farm", but they are going to  drive, fight and disrespect people without any feel for consequence.

  5. Brent Burzycki 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    +Bill Moisuk some but not all… I think much of that has to do with the role of the parent… and how they drive and set an example.. I have seen some terrible examples create some terrible drivers…

  6. Stuart Ponder 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    On the matter of people being influenced by video games, I would argue the more productive question is what sort of individual is influenced by video games, movies, television, etc… I've come to believe that when we ask these questions we frequently build into it – unconsciously – our own character. Am I influenced by video games? I think this stems from the supposition that most of us have that we are normal. The problem is that not everyone is.

    The biggest lesson I got from my divorce was that I suffer from depression and had for most of my adult life. The Couples Therapy that my ex and I went through while trying to save our marriage forced me to realize how I had repeatedly made bad decisions in my personal life because of my depression in spite of my intellectual ability to foresee the potential bad outcomes. The reason I bring this up in this discussion is that we humans are not strictly rationale. Rather, we make the intellectual assessments rather quickly but we only act after those assessments are filtered through our emotional state. Kind of like how a final noonday landscape image is different than the reality if you place a polarizing filter on the lens. Some people have unhealthy emotional states that lead them to make unhealthy life choices. But since we all rely on our own minds to tell us if we are healthy or not, if a person has an unhealthy emotional state they may not be able to perceive it. If the condition is severe enough a person may be subject to influences that most people would be immune from.

    Ultimately I think the silver lining of all the recent discussions about shootings and gun rights, is that our society appears ready to learn about mental health in a way that it always avoided before. Just as there are many types of physical maladies, so too are there more types of mental/emotional states than crazy or sane, and that recognizing and treating these disorders proactively will be a major step in human development.

    I'll get off my soapbox now. If you made it this far, thanks for listening.

  7. Ryan Haber 29 Dec 2012 Reply

    Advertisement works very well, particularly on people who think that it doesn't work on them, study after study shows. In fact, there's a multibillion industry around it. In the USA in 2007, $279,612,000,000 was spent in advertisement. That's almost a third of a trillion dollars. All those customers think they are getting something for their money.

    Our cultural stories – sitcoms, video games, films – are increasingly filled with consequence-less sex and violence. As advertising for cultural norms (or the lack thereof) and as advertising for ways to problem solve (or not), you have wonder if they are as effective as getting us to "just do it".

    I guess it's pretty ripe for everyone to point the finger at other people. I mean, Hollywood and game developers are pretty confident that easily accessible firearms cause mass shootings, yet they are blind to the possibility that their own products gradually shape hearts and minds to the possibility of firearms as solutions to problems.

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