I have officially solved my dilemma on my next camera purchase

06 Jul 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 11

  1. Stuart Ponder 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    FWIW, I love my Sonys. I've been shooting with an A700 for several years now and it has always come through for me. Happy shooting!

  2. Edward Bartel 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    LOL – perfect!

  3. Brent Burzycki 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    I am not knocking Sony… I just have not made up my Fiji and oly labels yet…

  4. Stuart Ponder 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    Ah. On a larger screen I get the joke. Hey, just because Trey switches, doesn't mean you have to.

  5. Brent Burzycki 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    Oh trust me I am not switching… I could not afford a switch… I need to save money just to take time off to shoot.. The systems are interesting but I already own a smaller camera and it works well for what I use it for… Also for studio use I do not think the mirror less are what I need to be using..

  6. Shantul Nigam 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    Shouldn't it say … "Sony Inside"… I switched from Nikon to Sony a while back. Glad I did because they suit me better and really excited about the new stuff we have been getting a glimpse of recently.

  7. Brent Burzycki 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    I was going to put vaio on it… I am more interested in how the camera UI's might be changing as we move forward….

  8. Dave Bell 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    That's just too funny! No, I'm not switching either… yet. An NEX would be great for hiking+landscapes, but I have too many low-light hand-held situations, and there's still just too much noise in the smaller sensors at high ISO.

  9. Dave Bell 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    Is this the camera you use for shooting water tennis?

  10. Brent Burzycki 6 Jul 2013 Reply

    As I told Trey I tend to just shoot large bushes… which can be construed incorrectly 🙂

  11. Brent Burzycki 7 Jul 2013 Reply

    +Dumitru D. Mititelu I too like this camera….

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