I am sorry what actually changed? We had time specific backups?

18 Feb 2015 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 16

  1. Kirk D 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    Mines turned off. Looks like they finally made settings, LOL.

  2. Kamal Tailor 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    I think it just means it will back up everything in the folders you tell it to back up.

  3. Hassan Alsayed 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    Weird I also didn't know there was ever a time-specific backup.

  4. Brent Burzycki 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    So did we get folder specific backup now?

  5. Hassan Alsayed 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    Ya we had that for a while now. I never tried to actually add a folder manually but when ever I would download a picture from WhatsApp or to the download folder it would ask me if it should automatically backup the folder.

  6. Kamal Tailor 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    In the Google+ photos app on Android yes.

  7. Brent Burzycki 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    Ok.. I too have see it auto add a folder.. But I think the only wally to remove it it to remove the app or folder… Have you seen anything different.. +Hassan Alsayed

  8. Kirk D 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    It's always been something better done on a PC than a phone, looks like they did give us some control over folders on the phones now. I haven't messed with it yet though.

  9. Hassan Alsayed 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    Now that I think about it I haven't ever tried that either lol

  10. Hassan Alsayed 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    Alright I found it. From the photos app go to "on your device" it will show your folders with a blue cloud (backed up) or a clear cloud with line through it ( not backed up)

    Just click the cloud to toggle back and forth if you want the folder backed up or not.

  11. Jeffrey Duddles 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    That helps!

  12. That's not the message I got last night… Mine merely says it was "a reminder" of AutoBackip being enabled on my device.

  13. Shawn Allison 18 Feb 2015 Reply

    I'm not sure WTH they're talking about either, have you figured it out?

  14. Brent Burzycki 21 Feb 2015 Reply

    +Hassan Alsayed You are right on the money.. wth kind of not easy to find or anywhere is that explained feature…. but its a feature I totally have wanted for over a year…

    Nice find…

  15. Kamal Tailor 21 Feb 2015 Reply

    It's been there for about 6months 😉

  16. Brent Burzycki 21 Feb 2015 Reply

    +Kamal Tailor thats awesome..!

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