I almost forgot brick and mortor photography stores were still around the bay area….maybe…

11 Dec 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 7

  1. Peter Adams 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    I buy grip stuff there all he time. Can't imagine the pain if they went away…

  2. Traci T 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    Sad but true!

  3. Brent Burzycki 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    Its a cool store…..i had never been….till today

  4. Traci T 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    I recently visited my local shop to learn about our new Rollei….we bought film and had it developed in 20 mins to see our first roll of film ever shot(minus the crappy wind up ones).

  5. Olav Folland 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    We've two shops that I like in our area. Unfortunately, it's the smaller one that has teamed up with lensrentals.com so I end up in there more. Still, prices aren't bad, and there's plenty of used equip to browse through 🙂

  6. Christina Lihani 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    The other day I smelled photo-processing fluids and it was so strange. Had a real flashback moment!

  7. Bennett Hall 11 Dec 2011 Reply

    Adolph Gasser's on 2nd Street, SF is still run by his son John. IMO they are the gold standard of traditional B+M stores. Adolph was Ansel's best man, and whether I need to 8 x 10 view camera, film for it, or as things changed, had to sell it, this was the place that solved the problems related to "film", or the "darkroom".

    BTW, like with Keeble, they are all fighting the "free sales tax" offered by B and H and Amazon for their survival and these types of stores need the communities support or they will only be depicted in historical photos as footnotes. Daily, 'customers' go in, shop them, demand training and help from paid staff, then go off to shop on line to save a few dollars after extracting these stores vital energies. I so hope that 'consumers' get over this zombie-search for the maximum discount and start supporting stores in our hoods before it is too late

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