Holy smokes… this is one nice Yacht design

14 Oct 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 6

  1. Olav Folland 15 Oct 2014 Reply

    Jayendra Kachalia, Director of Navnit Marine, told Business Standard that they entered into a pact with Gray Design last month and hoped that the situation in India becomes more conducive for increased sale of yachts. According to Kachalia, Gray Design focuses heavily on designs and their yachts, which take 12 to 36 months to make, start at $900,000 and can cost $165 million for a 300-foot super-luxurious vessel.

    So $165M for the 100-meter job. Not so bad, really.

  2. Brent Burzycki 15 Oct 2014 Reply

    I will take 3

  3. Olav Folland 15 Oct 2014 Reply

    I wonder what the 100M drafts. I'd berth it right next to the Tower Bridge – thereby taking up the entire slip 😀

  4. Christian W. 15 Oct 2014 Reply

    Really nice! But what is Mickey Mouse doing on top of it?

  5. Jon Decker 21 Oct 2014 Reply

    It's gotta be more than 100M though, right +Olav Folland? The NISI was a 120M project and it's nowhere near as big a house as this. I'm guessing scale from the garage and helipad. I do think the bow looks uncannily like an Acura grill though. lol.

  6. Olav Folland 22 Oct 2014 Reply

    Hard to say. The rendered people don't make it seem all that big. I think they're showing off the versatility – one of the renderings has Gucci and Armani stores in it. They kind of pimp it out like that to try and score some corporate investment (which I could see someone doing in the Med. Lots of big-ass yachts with lots of money)

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