Holy Moly! – Thats what all that white space we all complained about was really …

07 Mar 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 7

  1. Kevin Gault 7 Mar 2013 Reply

    Google did awesome huh?

  2. Brent Burzycki 7 Mar 2013 Reply

    I say yes.. +Chris Messina has a good post about the changes and the reasons behind them.. he is also looking for input and feedback..

  3. chris burzycki 7 Mar 2013 Reply

    Is any of this tangible to the app? Or Is this strictly a pc web page?

  4. Kevin Gault 7 Mar 2013 Reply

    I think it's only the web version.

  5. chris burzycki 7 Mar 2013 Reply

    They need to beef the app up.

  6. looks awesome, it would be even cooler if it was animated and the jets flew across the page.

  7. Brent Burzycki 7 Mar 2013 Reply

    Pc only right now

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