I have been only to Cosford but my dad saw the Blackbird at Mildenhall before I was born he said it was amazing wish I could have seen it it looks cool
+Aleksander Wostrikow Doesn't matter. It was ahead of its time. Russia didn't know what to do with its self when this thing came out. It will forever be an engineering marvel.
+Michael frumento не смеши меня. Этот самолёт достиг скорости в 3М. Он дорог и штучен в производстве. Миг 31 дешевое в разы, несёт вооружение, и массово выпускается по сей день. Чёрный дрозд из титана, что само по себе не уникально, а вот миг 31 из нержавеющей стали сделан. Что само по себе уникально. И в добавок, миг 31 до настоящего времени не исчерпал резерв модернизации и его потенциал ещё лет 15 будет превосходить любой аппарат выпущенный на западе.
+Aleksander Wostrikow You are comparing two unlike things. The SR71 is a reconnaissance plane, the MIG 31 is an interceptor. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Plus the MIG 31 couldn't fly as high or as fast as the SR71. Not to mention the SR71 came out in 1966 but the MIG 35 came out in 1981 so OF COURSE the MIG 31 would be almost as advanced as the SR71.
Xsame here never seen this one.
I saw then in mildenhall uk…awesome planes
Very very bella foto
Ox Cart
SR71 Spy Plane
Xmen transportation=)
Could be wrong, probably am, but I believe that's an SR and a YF.
The blackbird SR-71
They're preparing for a duel.
+Mike LeTourneau, are you thinking the far one is a YF-12? The near one is definitely an SR-71.
Yeah, looks shorter. YF was 5 ft shorter
They SHOULD let these two go at it in the NATIONAL AIR SHOW
Regardless if YF or SR, still an amazing jet. Used to watch them fly out of Mildenhall and Kadena.
I have been only to Cosford but my dad saw the Blackbird at Mildenhall before I was born he said it was amazing wish I could have seen it it looks cool
Ive seen the black bird at a air show many years ago awesome
حسین زاده
حسین زاده
Evil twins with afterburners. Great shot.
Used to watch sr 71 s and u 2 s fly out of Beale afb. Calif. Now they fly global hawk drones
The xmen r real
+Mike LeTourneau Nope, both are SR71s. The YF12s had a different nose.
С появлением миг 31, этот самолёт (sr 71) перестал быть актуальным. Его просто сняли с вооружения.
Speeddd and stealth very handy aircraft
+Greg Guffey про скрытность шишка загнул.
+Aleksander Wostrikow Doesn't matter. It was ahead of its time. Russia didn't know what to do with its self when this thing came out. It will forever be an engineering marvel.
+Michael frumento не смеши меня. Этот самолёт достиг скорости в 3М. Он дорог и штучен в производстве. Миг 31 дешевое в разы, несёт вооружение, и массово выпускается по сей день. Чёрный дрозд из титана, что само по себе не уникально, а вот миг 31 из нержавеющей стали сделан. Что само по себе уникально.
И в добавок, миг 31 до настоящего времени не исчерпал резерв модернизации и его потенциал ещё лет 15 будет превосходить любой аппарат выпущенный на западе.
+Aleksander Wostrikow You are comparing two unlike things. The SR71 is a reconnaissance plane, the MIG 31 is an interceptor. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Plus the MIG 31 couldn't fly as high or as fast as the SR71. Not to mention the SR71 came out in 1966 but the MIG 35 came out in 1981 so OF COURSE the MIG 31 would be almost as advanced as the SR71.
+Michael frumento миг 31 летает 3М и больше и так же высоко. Именно для уничтожения чёрного дрозда и был придуман миг 31.
+Aleksander Wostrikow the "destruction" of the black burd were from the mig 25 and even then it was hard to intercept the sr71
+Aleksander Wostrikow Sure.
+Michael frumento комментарий случайно удалил.
+Michael frumento это форум летчиков пенсионеров
+Aleksander Wostrikow I don't speak russian.
+Michael frumento гугл переводчик в помощь. Я английским владеют не очень, периодически выручает))))
+Aleksander Wostrikow that would be hard but I'll try
Nic pic of black bird
That's was at. Yokohama Air Force Base