Help Google + your my only hope… Need a list of cool engagement photo locations in San Francisco… That are both different and cool all in one.. For a really. Good friend will have 2 hrs from 5 to 7pm… Let me know if people have ideas they would be most appreciated…
Does it have to be in SF city limits?
So many spots, hard to think of one that hasn't been done hundreds of times. Lighting might be tough but inside Anchor Brewing Co or the Cable Car Museum could add some SF flavor without being dorky.
Or, how about on Yerba Buena or Treasure Island with SF in the background? There are also old ruins on Angel Island that might make an interesting backdrop but it is less accessible.
On Hawk Hill there is an abandoned army battery that has some cool graffiti. I'd go with some extra people for "safety reasons". It's off the beaten path but the views awesome.
+J. Rae Chip and with that you have summed up yourself
SF Area to marin headlands only have two hours with their photographer…
Thanks +Rick Bucich and +Gary Jimenez I will send those along.. I know he likes it up there in the battery area.. but this is also semi traditional in keeping for some of the shots…
Maybe +Thomas Hawk or +Chris Chabot can chime in as I know they both know the city extremely well.
I just need a pile of options for them.. it is sort of like an engagement gift in a way to help them find a cool location..
me? no.
I was going to suggest Moss Landing, but I think that's too far away. One of my favorite places ever is out there though.
Twin Peaks at sunset is nice.
Not really my area but I see so many beautiful pics from the Headlands that I have to nominate that locale.
Legion of Honor is great for that.
I was trying to think of something completely different. If more traditional is in order, the Palace of Fine Arts is a beautiful spot and easily accessible.
Another could be Fort Point at the foot of the SF side of the Golden Gate, the backdrop would be spectacular but would likely require morning light.
Lastly, Golden Gate Park is full of nooks and crannies full of flowers and other nice backdrops that would lend themselves well.
Outside De Young museum at Golden Gate park
Thanks everyone – keep them coming – i will send them all his way….
Baker beach is always great especially if you include the more "industrial" look of the canons and the metal doors & concrete steps there.
+Jigar Champaneria that is one of the spots they are thinking about right now..