Good, Bad, What your opinion?
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I like it, good contrast, nice play of shadows. Content is uplifting. But it feels off-balance. My "amateur" advice is to play with the cropping until the negative/ positive spaces are balanced.
It was definitely made off balance… I tend to not shoot by the common rules…. And by doing that many tend to say what you have… Because it's true…. I will have to balance it and see if it has the same impact on me.
I do think the "rules" can be good.. sometimes
I never really learned them…. One of these days..
I think you did well. The rule if thirds is in place, the fabric framws the face well. The only thing i see is the shadow over her right eye created by her hair. Selective dodging will help but a little bounced light back on that area would have lightened the shadow and put a catch light in her eye. Only my opinion
I actually say that and then said… Its sort of cool and looks like face paint or a mask…. Or the lead singer of KISS
Made me think of that too! Lol
Awesome composition! Looks so simple, but close to impossible to expose! Thank you very much for sharing!
Just remember what you see and what is reality is always possibly quite different…