French prestigious Patrouille de France flying with Air France last B747 aircraft ! #avgeek

31 Jan 2016 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

Comments: 7

  1. Donn Jones 31 Jan 2016 Reply

    Awesome formation thank you

  2. Que bonito.

  3. xavier lacorne 31 Jan 2016 Reply

    bye bye 747 ….. a nice plane "queen of the air "

  4. Andrew Toney 1 Feb 2016 Reply

    That's an awesome pic

  5. David mata 5 Feb 2016 Reply

    Hi I dont like planes dirt bikes,are better …..

  6. Andrew Toney 5 Feb 2016 Reply

    I'm not saying dirt bikes aren't awesome.

  7. David mata 5 Feb 2016 Reply

    What. Awesom. bian its tras trus me She. its a 200 B ks. hore ….lol

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