Fitbit – the data you give to me is confirming that some nights are good and some…

20 Jan 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 14

  1. Cynthia Pyun 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    Love using my Fitbit. You're right, though, +Brent Burzycki. Sometimes, you just 'don't want to know'… sigh

  2. Matthew Quinly 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    Do you know if this accounts for sleeping with someone else? i have an app on my iPhone that "records" my sleep. And i am convinced that it tracks both mine and my wife's movement during the night. Sometimes it tires to tell me i only got 3 or 4 hours of sleep and i know i feel way too rested for that to be true. 

  3. Brent Burzycki 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    +Matthew Quinly I am not sure as I am sleeping alone.. I know the fitbit is basically tracking restlessness so if you guys are duking it out at night it is very possible it will record that… how is the app on your phone tracking data? as in sensors?

  4. Matthew Quinly 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    I believe it works on the accelerometer (sp). But i really don't know. But it sounds like the same idea. Based on movement. I suppose that since my phone is on the mattress as opposed to wearing the fitbit it would be somewhat different. 

  5. Sandra Parlow 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    It takes you 3 hours to fall asleep?  wow,…  🙁

  6. Cynthia Pyun 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    +Sandra Parlow  either that, or +Brent Burzycki is having very active dreams. I woke up one morning slamming my arm into my darling's face. I think it reminded him why we don't argue just before I get to sleep at night 😉 

  7. Brent Burzycki 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    +Matthew Quinly Yes I think this would be overall less accurate… I wear mine on my non dominate arm.. supposedly that only moves when you are more awake.. I think I might actually try to get in a fight with myself on most nights

    +Sandra Parlow only last night.. it was not a good night.. usually its about 30min

    +Cynthia Pyun yes – thats your sub conscious talking there 🙂 

  8. Sandra Parlow 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    jeez….   I hate nights like that…  you just lie there and wonder if you should actually get up and do something or lie there and hope to fall asleep.

  9. Brent Burzycki 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    +Sandra Parlow I think mine are more related to my intimate knowledge of every magazine in my bathroom…. and not the good magazines…. 

  10. Sandra Parlow 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    uh……    well… maybe it's time for some new ones?  then you know, you can… relax  ;P

  11. Brent Burzycki 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    +Sandra Parlow If it twas only so simple…. 

  12. Sandra Parlow 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    You have me perplexed… ;P

  13. Brent Burzycki 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    reading in bathroom – not "reading" in the bathroom… if you catch my meaning.. Not the kind of magazines I "read for the articles" 🙂

  14. Sandra Parlow 20 Jan 2013 Reply

    uh… yeah.. I got that….  ;P

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