Does this not seem expensive?

10 Jun 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 5

  1. Alex Ortega 10 Jun 2013 Reply

    It is, for that kind of money I can buy a nice sigma 35mm f1.4

  2. I have the Nikon CoolPix L820 that does the same thing if you know how to use it. And it was less than $300 WITH a 2 year warranty

  3. Fernando Sismonda 10 Jun 2013 Reply

    You can buy a d7000 and have 100 drls for the 50mm f/1.8d, or buy the fuji x100 for the same amount of money. Of save 500 for a trip buying the fuji x20 with similar performance as this nikon.

  4. D. Travis North 10 Jun 2013 Reply

    I think they are chasing the Sigma D series, which is similar. But I don't know the appeal for either, especially with the fujifilm rangefinder cameras on the market

  5. Eric Adeleye 12 Jun 2013 Reply

    I'd rather buy a Fujifilm X100S

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