Do you use Google but never use voice control commands? Maybe you should start…

17 May 2015 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 10

  1. Does it work for an Australian accent?

  2. Brent Burzycki 17 May 2015 Reply

    I wish I had one to try it because the women love that accent….

  3. Olav Folland 17 May 2015 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki I mostly use it while driving – navigating, changing music, placing calls, that sort of thing. I have a Bluetooth/MP3-only deck in my car, so it fits in nicely.

  4. Edward Bartel 18 May 2015 Reply

    Google Now is a very powerful tool. My only problem is that saying "play some music" while in the car unlocked Play Music so that it starts streaming to my Bluetooth connection in my car whenever my phone goes into _Driving mode_and that chews up data rather quickly.

  5. Brent Burzycki 18 May 2015 Reply

    I could see that being an issue +Edward Bartel​ I have a mifi I carry for work and burn that up for data first… But being in control of our companies data use has shown a huge trend toward more data use overall…. For 14 people we have 60gb a month to use…. We have not gone over yet…

  6. Olav Folland 18 May 2015 Reply

    I pay about $30/mo for TMO unlimited, and I rarely top 5GB. I don't stream video though, only 3-4hrs of IHeartRadio a day and a few other things.

  7. Brent Burzycki 18 May 2015 Reply

    +Olav Folland​ so one person in my office was without Internet at home… She decided that streaming Netflix was OK.. Because bandwidth grown on trees and is free of course…

    When I got the bill we were 60gb over our cap..

    She got a bill…. 😆

  8. Olav Folland 18 May 2015 Reply

    Oh good heavens. I can't even imagine streaming that much.

  9. Eric Zim (EZ) 18 May 2015 Reply

    I will when there's a way to customize it. I started with my S6, for that reason: I can effectively manner my phone. But Samsung just doesn't have the same caliber of tech. Saying "OK Google" just doesn't make enough sense.

  10. Edward Bartel 21 May 2015 Reply

    +Eric Zim Motorola has allowed users to customize theirs for a couple years now. With my 2nd Gen MotoX it's, "Hey Google Now!"

    Plus it works even when the phone is asleep, not just when on the Google Now page.

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