Ch-47 Chinook loaded in C-5

30 Jul 2016 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 9

  1. Emiliano Macias 30 Jul 2016 Reply

    Dud that's sick😮

  2. 好早上 31 Jul 2016 Reply

    That's a big bird.

  3. 杨光 31 Jul 2016 Reply

    big guy

  4. digranni 31 Jul 2016 Reply

    Bird preganant!

  5. Reo Cruz 31 Jul 2016 Reply

    We all should know by now that C-5s, C-141s and C-17s birth aircraft. They aren't built lol…

  6. William Boardman 1 Aug 2016 Reply

    Why it's called a GALAXY.

  7. John Nichols 5 Dec 2016 Reply

    I'm hungry!

  8. Cannibalism + Planes = This Picture

  9. digranni 20 Sep 2017 Reply

    É naaaaada😅

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