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A Space Shuttle Over Los Angeles
Image Credit & Copyright: Stephen Confer (sadly not on G+)
(great Capture of this historic event)
Explanation: It's not every day that a space shuttle lands at LAX. Although this was a first for the major Los Angeles airport hub, it was a last for the space shuttle Endeavour, as it completed its tour of California skies and landed, albeit atop a 747, for the last time. During its last flight the iconic shuttle and its chase planes were photographed near several of California's own icons including the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Hollywood Sign, and the skyline of Los Angeles. Previously, in May, the space shuttle Enterprise was captured passing behind several of New York City's icons on its way to the Intrepid Sea, Air, & Space Museum. Pictured above, the piggybacking shuttle was snapped on approach last week to LAX as it crossed above and beyond a major Los Angeles street. Now retired, the space shuttles are all museum pieces, with the above shuttle scheduled to be towed along the streets of LA to the California Science Center.
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you are right – the best one I've seen so far. Just goes to show – always look for a different location then where everyone is shooting from.
This makes me wonder if the APOD here is the real APOD since this was not on their site yet…. hmmm
That a great photo for many reasons in my mind.. but scale is one of them….
Excellent! Very good shot.
This shot is flippin' amazing!!!!
+Niels Launert no it is not a fake… it just seems like it based on the fact we never see this type of stuff happen…
Did they really go that low ?!?
+Lars Rosing Landing at LAX i believe..
If landing its a little late for landinggears that low They should defenately be out, so…
Flaps is certainly not in ldg mode My judgement : manipulated photo 😉 But still very nice
the did flyby 2 times. when you mentioned the landing gear not being out. I dont remember it being this low on the first flyby. I have to check my photos as I was a few blocks away.
+Sergey Sus +Lars Rosing Well is ure hope its not some photoshopped together thing.. did it have two chase planes into LAX? It was only with one for most of the journey in Northern CA…
Well if it was over water I believe it, but otherwise…
its difficult to say, I've looked through my photos (i cant insert them into this post). The plane seems very low and it is very difficult to say….. Starting to get suspicious. I was on Aviation blvd just a few block away.
+Rob Lopes does that seem to low?
The photo looks right for one of the fly by's at LAX. +Sergey Sus
tks +Rob Lopes . I like this photo – one of the best ones I've seen so far because of the location.