Amazing devastation

28 Apr 2014 admin In G+ Posts
And this is why I worry much more about a tornado than an earthquake..

Reshared post from +The Weather Channel

Arkansas Tornadoes: 'Utter Devastation', At Least 16 Deaths Reported

Arkansas Tornadoes: ‘Utter Devastation’, At Least 16 Deaths Reported – Tornado Devastates Mayflower, AR
Towns in Arkansas suffer devastating damage from violent tornadoes, and several deaths have been confirmed.

Comments: 5

  1. Jim Denham 28 Apr 2014 Reply


  2. Stuart Ponder 28 Apr 2014 Reply

    They can be terrifying experiences even when they miss you by miles.

  3. Brent Burzycki 28 Apr 2014 Reply

    The sad part is I really want to go take photos of one… 

  4. Stuart Ponder 28 Apr 2014 Reply

    I dont blame you. Nature is awesome. Best advice I can offer is to stick to the plains states where you have good sight lines for miles. In the South the geography is hillier and the pine forests hide them from sight. You know the funnel is nearby but you cant always see them, so you have much less "take cover" time.

  5. Brent Burzycki 28 Apr 2014 Reply

    Oh if and when I do that it will be where I can see them.. I saw the movie twister.. 🙂

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