Can I post this full frontal breast photo?

23 Jul 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 27

  1. Ben Sellars 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Your secret's safe with me. Looks delicious.

  2. Ed Greshko 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    I keep thinking of getting a grill again.  But, my wife has this irrational fear that grilled foods increase your risk of cancer.

  3. Calvin Phuong 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    As long as they are natural and unenhanced!

  4. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Big natural breasts…

  5. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    +Ed Greshko I think it more when you turn your food to cinders… But I am pretty sure we cannot do anything without increasing our risk for cancer..

  6. Virginia Covati 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Nice food porn!

  7. Al Steffen 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    That is so hot.

    As for health risk, I have never heard of food prepared in a grill being linked to any such thing. I tend to hear it is better for you since it is not cooked in oil or fat. The fats in the meat even drip off and into oblivion.

  8. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    It's supposedly the char on the meat that's a supposed carcinogen

  9. Richard Harlos 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    It's not an altogether irrational fear, +Ed Greshko, but it does have some parameters worth noting. Quick summary here:

  10. Al Steffen 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    I guess I can be grouped in with the ignorant folks. Then again, I assume everything gives me cancer threes days, so I just make the best of it.

  11. Elizabeth Hahn 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    The one on the left looks bigger. 🙂

  12. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Most breasts are different sizes… But I have not checked lately..

  13. Ed Greshko 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Well, +Richard Harlos , I classify it as an irrational fear with respects to my wife since her reaction is one can never eat grilled foods.  

  14. Al Steffen 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    You poor man.

  15. Richard Harlos 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    I was hoping to help influence her by showing that article, +Ed Greshko 🙂 It's pretty much anything is ok on low heat… maybe you could print that out and leave it somewhere that she'll find it when you're not around… ya know, all sly like 😉

  16. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Yeh like on the ad for a new weber.. 🙂

  17. Elizabeth Hahn 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Well, you could grill corn or peppers along side the meat and be ok +Richard Harlos , looks like they'll fight off the bad parts.  

  18. Chris Nanoski 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Quite a pair!! All natural too!

  19. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Well natural might be pushing it… Foster farms… Who knows what's in them…. They claim to be all natural.. But those are some big chickens.. That i would not want to meet in a dark alley…

  20. Ed Greshko 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Ahh, if it were only that easy +Richard Harlos .  🙂  My wife is not an native English speaker and wouldn't just pick it up to read.  Also, she is just like me….stubborn in her beliefs.  🙂 🙂

  21. Richard Harlos 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Fair enough, +Ed Greshko. At least I gave it a shot 🙂

  22. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    We should all chip in to get ed a bbq

  23. Terrell Woods 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Uh.. +Brent Burzycki +J. Rae Chip I'm reporting this and flagging this as inappropriate and an ufront to my delicate nature 

  24. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    There is always one… 🙂

  25. Sandra Parlow 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    Now those look natural…..  

  26. Brent Burzycki 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    And yummy…

  27. rizal az 23 Jul 2013 Reply

    hahahahhaa… super yummy!!

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