
31 Oct 2015 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 14

  1. Pat Anablak 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    The engines are far out.

  2. Mike LeTourneau 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    Ram jets

  3. Anita Kuipers 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    Realy wow

  4. Is it build in aluminium????

  5. Masoud Ansarian 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    Please write the name of airplanes

  6. Eric Poe 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    If my search skillz serve me right, it appears to be a French SNCASO SO.9000 Trident, a rocket powered interceptor.

  7. Eric Poe 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    +Masoud Ansarian

  8. Masoud Ansarian 31 Oct 2015 Reply


  9. Brent Burzycki 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    Part of the fun of posting these bizarre craft is trying to figure out what they are..

  10. Eric Poe 31 Oct 2015 Reply

    I agree Brent!

  11. David Cheng 31 Oct 2015 Reply


  12. Jarvis dell 1 Nov 2015 Reply

    Looks like a mosquito! 😅😅

  13. …Whatever it is…to me it doesn't look like a great design…

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