something seems a bit wrong here… "Biting off more than I can chew!"
I do not think he is here on G+
size matters…. can you dig it?
That makes physically no sense.
I assume its a setup.. as in that yard has some massive equipment and this was someones cute idea…. its like a hermit crab – it could hide in its own shell…
Doesn't look shopped, just a big bucket in front of a small (What you call those things) and you can't see the little bucket which I assume is hidden behind big bucket!
+Toby Harriman Agreed. Now that you mention it, it does look like it.
Wall-E "dreaming BIG"
I call it perspective…….
Smashed my thumb, look how big it is!
somewhat like those fiddler crabs in Florida that get a giant right claw
crab with one giant claw