Verizon galaxy nexus… The almost Google experience…. View this post on Google+ « I just realized that I have not spoke to another human all day… But then the voices in my head make up for it… This has to be a joke »
Just got mine last night. I think I want to wipe my phone this weekend to clean it up after the upgrade.
Haha… at least it isn't a year behind.
Figures, soon as I finally found a decent 4.2.2 rom…
I hate to say it but i am glad it came now – the other two builds were really buggy – I dealt with them on my Nexus 7 and 10… restarts all the time etc.. that would have really ticked me off if it was my phone…lets just hope its stable…
I've been on 4.2.2 for months now, i couldn't imagine sitting and waiting for Verizon to fumble an update yet once again.