We should see more of that…… not articles whining about how when Boston was on lockdown people lost their "freedoms"…. Last I checked many of us were still adults and had brains….
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The first responders in Boston have our utmost respect.
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nothing (tech related item) is built in a single country my friend
+Brent Fishman thats a tough deal…have to be competitive and if that was true across the board the import costs of vehicles from or into europe would be an issue – thus manufacturing is worldwide…
I am all for made in america.. the company I work for is all about that.. even there thou there are some things just not made here any more… which is too bad really…
I hope my country the USA, seeks the death penalty against terrorist #2. He must pay for what he did to US citizens !
Right after we figure out his reasons…. We need to know those items to increase future safety…
Law enforcement will find the answers, then he will get a van ride to Indiana to face lethal injection !
I live in California, we believe in the death penalty, my brother in law was a prison guard for 33 years in California. If you murder another human being, and you are given the death by lethal injection conviction, I think that is very fair to pay with your life !
+Rick Schey you are one of few in CA that believe in the Death Penalty.. its been all but outlawed here… I like in CA also and sadly our gov here is more than tolerant of intolerant things…
I have always believed in it sir 🙂
San Luis Obispo is my city !