Really +Darren Kitchen it would pertain to anything in FL. Or really anything in general lately that requires thought… Sadly it happens here also.. Its ok rioters in Oakland last night were burning American flags based on the outcome of the case in FL… That makes sense also..
Including the small riots in Oakland for this… Where idiots destroy property that only belongs to local business owners…. That sure makes a pile of sense…
Quite a few G+ users, too, from what I've seen today
Yes sadly…
I don't get it. What is this in reference to?
Really +Darren Kitchen it would pertain to anything in FL. Or really anything in general lately that requires thought… Sadly it happens here also.. Its ok rioters in Oakland last night were burning American flags based on the outcome of the case in FL… That makes sense also..
At least Facebook takes most of the violence out and is a far safer place for people to vent, the riots of the past use to be far worse.
Including the small riots in Oakland for this… Where idiots destroy property that only belongs to local business owners…. That sure makes a pile of sense…
What is it with Oakland, they never seem to pass on an opportunity to riot over there?
Sadly I think it has to do with level of education and entitlement