here is a shot for Thursday night…..
Feel free to leave feedback or Critiques as you wish….
It is time to go on a critique rampage.. I have been so far behind on time to get out and critique those that have asked…. feel free to ask again here….
Sorry if I missed your request this past week… it has been one of those weeks…
+Model Photographers
+Black Diamond Productions
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loving the eyes!
+Colby Brown She has some great ones…..you should see the color ones….
Beautiful Brent!!
+Sandra Parlow thanks 🙂
This is a really strong image. The eyes really draw the viewer in, and the composition, driven by the contours of the hair and face, works exceedingly well. Overall, the high-key look works great. I'm only bothered by a couple of things that would be tough to remedy w/out re-shooting. The biggest one is the (even blown-out) white blob in the lower right, which really draws the eye badly. If that has a tone in the original, you might be able to pull off some kind of a darkening or add some texture to it. Similarly, the bright white triangle above the hair, highly contrasted against the black band, creates a bright and high-contrast area that draw the eye away. That area could be disappeared entirely pretty easily.
Personally, I would darken the left side and vignette a touch to keep the focus on the face/eyes/lips more, but that's a matter of taste.
Great image overall! Expression and connection with the model are excellent.
Excellent shot Brent!
This really works in a lot of ways. I like the flow from her eyes down her hair and back again.
But, I have to agree with a lot of what +Douglas Knisely said. The black band bothers me the most as it pulls my eyes off her eyes and off the page. The pillow(?) is a bit too blown out, but not overly so, IMHO.
I love it as it is. Her gorgeous eyes and the gradual curve of her hair makes for a very nice comp.
Her eyes and hair are lined just perfectly, the photo has overall great composition. The pillow however distracts me from her face making a hot spot to look at.
+Agustin Rafael Reyes +Maciej Łaszewski +Gerard Charnley +Bruce Feingold +Neil Camara
thanks for the comments…..
+Douglas Knisely thanks for the points… I wish I could go back and reshoot many of the models I worked with years ago knowing the added things I know now….
Well, it is never a perfect world, +Brent Burzycki! Thanks for sharing; it is a captivating image.
avril lavigne?
I wish…. I would love to shoot with her…..
I would love to see the color version, her eyes are beautiful.
I love here how you have captured the facial features. minimal shadowing. Very Nice Photo.
Well, I like the photo overall, the frame, the processing, the model, but it's the blue tint that gives the photo cold feel. Also I think that you could leave a bit more shadows on her face to accent nose and lips.