Well thanks to +500px and the staff over at 500px we have an iPad update to the killer app that no let's you follow and check out even more from inside the app…
How do you use 500px? Do you rate the top images and start from the front page or do you do like me and start from the back.. FRESH and Upcoming… then go look at the super high rated stuff at the end?
Great additions…
After you update….. go vote…
Jen……. by Brent Burzycki
Fresh stuff first. I like seeing new works.
I usually look at Upcoming and then Pouplar when I get bored. Then I cuddle with my tripod and cry myself to sleep.
Lol. I hear you on the crying part. Some amazing talent out there.
Ha….i will say i also have done a bit of crying………
That's why I love the 500px site, it's really pushing the bar forward
+Mike Lewis And if not it's telling some of us like +Jonathan Liles that we should just be at the bar……
500 makes me feel overwhelmed as a starter. The beauty there is amazing. But here I see such beauty as well and yet most photographers have been so kind answering my questions or just appreciating the fact that the only few words I know are bokeh, composition and focus. So I tend to say wow that's gorgeous or those greens are beautiful and hope they understand. Next time someone is crying w your tripod, remember the little gal that looks up to you.