Many ask me daily why I like G+, I say interaction, many say they have tried it and they here crickets, I say try harder….. many will say both positive and negative things about this shot… I say keep it up… this is easily the best community for photos (see how I did not just say photographers) out there…
Now I would love to see a few things added:
– Better private messaging
– Ability to add multiple links inside a post and more formatting options
– And the ability to add photos to comments, this would be great but probably also a disaster, but should be an option as following up on a post with new or related images would be a nice addition.
– I would love a way to archive my current site here to G+ – like with a WordPress importer or some way to backup hundred of posts I had prior to G+ here in my stream without pissing off everyone in the process. Also a way to add more static pages would be a nice addition.
I know G+ cannot be everything to everyone but a few more features would be very nice.. For me Private messaging that works would be a HUGE plus.. I easily miss tons of messages I want to see, we need a single place to see them that is separate from notifications..
I consider myself a very active part of G+ – I consider many here friends, and I also look forward to interactions here…. I also try to keep an open mind and also try to help when I can… post questions, start interactions, be part of the community…
As +Mike Elgan states – G+ is really the place to be for most of us when it comes to blogging or posting, I have really given up on two sites I have had and refer them to my profile here now and maintain my personal photo site only as a repository for all posts I write here using the G+ WordPress Plugin from +Daniel Treadwell ….
Also being a professional photographer is not about the money or the fame, its about being able to drag your butt out of bed on the days you do not want to work to go get the shot..
Clearly I am not one because I could not do that this morning…
very good suggestions!
one other thing I would add is on reshared work that the comments and plusses go back to the original post….
Sandra stole my thunder but amen to re-shared comments redirected at the original. But you are spot on Brent as I jus had a chat n the pub with some mates only tonight.
One said I signed up BT I don't know what it does. I was able to put my 2p forward about photogs. Keep on keeping on and a great image.
+Sandra Parlow I think that is harder than we all might thing to do.. when I hear the people from the G+ team talk about it.. there is an issue realted to who sees what etc after the fact…
+Stuart Dyckhoff my friends are all lazy.. they just want easy… it is very hard to get that past people…
If you're going to open up a discussion on a serious subject, try posting it on an image without so much cleavage!
did you get distracted +Stuart Ponder , half way through the dialogue???
+Stuart Ponder I know… I am a total jerk in thinking I can get real answers when posting cleavage images…
Sad part is I really wanted a bit more feedback than this so I thinks its working in reverse…and scaring people away…
I stopped reading when I realized it wasn't about the image. Don't judge me – it's my bday and I'm feeling self indulgent.
happy birthday.. here's some boobs..
Lol Happy Birthday +Stuart Ponder 🙂
I am trained not to be distracted by boobies
yeah… suuuuuuure… that's why you shoot them so much..
How long were you married?
Brent was married??!!!
Great suggestions +Brent Burzycki. I think this is on their list, but an improved algorithm for the what's hot list would be nice too. That's a tough one to fix.
it would also be cool to have the ability to have more than just two people in a chat at the same time
Whooa. I go take dinner out of the oven and Brent got married??
I know, RIGHT??!!
c'mon, Brent… spill the dirt here….
Well, it was just a guess. It may not be the only way to train a man to not notice boobs, but it is effective.
are you kidding?? sticking a hot poker in his eye is the only way to train a man not to notice boobs.. being married won't do it!! they just do it sneakier!!
I am not married… Very single… And in turn happy… I think +Stuart Ponder was implying if i was married boobies would no longer interest me…….
I never want to be boobie proof… But boobie resistant is not a bad thing…
+Sandra Parlow you almost made me spew my dinner, from laughing so hard.
LOL!! but it's TRUE!!!!
Which reminds me of typo in a newspaper I once saw. It was trying to do a PSA and remind people that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but managed to forget the Cancer part. I'm sure it got more attention than the correct headline would've.
yep – that's smart marketing!!
That's why I was laughing so hard !
sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction…
Back to the multiple people in a chat, maybe they can integrate Messenger into the desktop version.
it would just be nice if you wanted to have a 3 way…
Uh huh…
Oh wait, there's multi person chat in GMail and not here? I just noticed that and that's totally weird! I wonder what will happen if I have a multi person chat on GMail and open a G+ tab. Because every time I chat with someone on GMail and have G+ open, it mirrors the chat here as well!
Oh and where are my manners, lovely shot and boobies Brent!
Whats wrong with me Sigh!
Is there? I know it mirrors the chat, I never realized there was a multi-people chat.
+elizabeth hahn click the + while chatting in GMail and you can add people. Don't know what's the limit to it, but I've chatted with 4-5 people I think.
Oh cool – wonder why it doesn't work from G+ – it does work from iGoogle too.
Oh yeah… Very beautiful shot +Brent Burzycki
Absolutely no idea. I was surprised to see that it doesn't have that option here. I actually get annoyed by the mirroring, but signing out of chat doesn't keep the chat signed out here on G+ when I log off, unlike GMail which does that. Looks like an older version is deployed here, I wonder why!
Hmmm I dunno. I usually don't sign out – I just go invisible, if I remember. I kinda use it for leaving messages with friends. If I'm invisible, it's easier for them to leave it than it is if I sign out.
yeah, I don't sign out of GMail chat like ever. First tab I open daily is GMail, and last one to close is that 😉 Invisible always 😉 Only once or twice I've logged off of chat.
lurker 🙂
Hey! 😛
hehe 😀
he likes to watch ………..
Watch What exactly +Sandra Parlow? How many people are online? ;P
hey, I'm not going to make any assumptions here +Swaroop Subbanna …..
Now all these accusations would be valid if I could be invisible in real life 😛
I love G+ and you have great comments, +Brent Burzycki. I too would like much better private messaging, the current methods seem like it was bolted on to existing Google products.
More formatting options would be great as long as it doesn't end up looking like Myspace…
I'd rather not have photos in comments but better / easier linking would be great.
More boobies would be greatDid I say that out loud? I'm happily married and I still notice 'em.sticks a poker in the fire for +Steve Boyko ……………
ha! +Swaroop Subbanna .. If only, eh?
(little bit of Canadian there for ya!)
Uh Oh, watch out Sandra's hubby! Don't get caught is all I'm saying 😛
he already has a patch over one eye… ;P
No patch over both that will work against your plans….
well +Brent Burzycki .. he still has to be able to notice mine
+Sandra Parlow thats what I mean.. and do chores and not make you want to toss him out becase he stubles all over the house….
true, it is handy being able to see to do chores….
Of course if you can't see you'll never notice anything is dirty.
hmm.. that happens now.. I always have to remind him of that fact.. sigh
Just watch guys vaccumn… Clearly most cannot see dirt… My employees do not see it either…
you mean guys can vacuum???
holy shit… O.o
And cook…. And dust……
ok – I know they can cook… but dusting ???~~~!!!
I don't believe it.. you're pulling my leg…. RIGHT??
Dust? Now that's just crazy talk!
I dust and clean toilets…..
you sure you want to stay single??
Do you do dishes and windows too?
LOL, Windows, now thats crazy talk! But I do dishes, and vaccum and cooking and toilet cleaning. But I'm single too 😉
not for long..
err, looks around
oh wait.. it's mostly guys here… except for Elizabeth 😉
Two hot ones!
I am used to doing everything myself… It would be strange to have help..
So things we learnt from this thread –
1. Men like boobies
2. G+ doesn't have multi chat and GMail has.
3. Married women
try totake out their husband's eyes with hot barbeque sticks if they catch them looking at other boobies4. Single Men do cooking, cleaning, vaccuming etc ;P
Help, I was thinking of hiring you +Brent Burzycki !
that's a fair summary….
lol! hey! a job offer!!!
2a – Talk on android phone also allows me to add people to a conversation
I have a job and already have to do all that stuff…. And need a vacation….. 🙂
Lol I'll take you to Yosemite as payment then.
this is sounding better and better all the time!
True story: I had dinner with my parents tonight and my dad dropped a bunch of chips on the floor. He got the broom and dustpan out to clean up. He couldn't figure out why the crumbs wouldn't go in the dustpan. Then I told him it was upside down. :/
Haha haha haha….. Oh well so much for men…
Lol yeah. Well he does iron and cleans the outside windows. But probably only because mom can't reach.
+ 1 for dad….
+elizabeth hahn are you still trying to hire Brent?
I am reallyyyyyyy pricy….
do you charge by the hour or by the job? ;P
Hey now… That's a trade secret…
just curious.. inquiring minds want to know…
If he's pricey, probably not. I'm in to cheap :). I do need someone tall though. I have a window that's really high in my stairway, I haven't figured out an easy way to clean the inside.
I am not tall 🙁
You are taller than me though.