Well I have finally figured out how stars are formed… in the middle of the night these lines (Let's call them UFO's) go across the sky and poop out little stars… then they spread out from there….
I knew I would figure it out eventually…
It's not quite as vibrant as the meteor shot, but still lovely 🙂 I wonder if this means space is really stinky.
You could make a fortune on the science seminar circuit explaining your theory 🙂
Brent's Scientology? ;P
On that note begins my new career as a theoretical star poop ologist…..you will be seeing my book signings soon…
We get free copies for commenting before you were famous, right?
I have it on good authority that the lights are Santa's reindeer getting exercised.
He left me a note when I was six!
See that's another possible explanation….