Well – here is my photo of the week – because a photo a day sure was not going to happen this year….. Yes its only 18 days in – so that says something..
Such an interesting issue to maintain goals when the paying work is not photography…. and must get done or your business will not succeed for the rest of eternity…
Reaching that balance is always interesting.. much like the medical issues I contend with.. it is all about attaining some kind of mental, physical and social balance…
THe ever elusive goal.. balance. I still haven't found it 🙁
Dear friends, is it artwork?a beautiful girl and sexy wish you health and hope you have more beautiful pictures.
Love the pose with her head slightly tilted. I hope you are alright mate. I've got exactly the same problem you have: want to pursue photography, but have bills to pay. First world problem I know, but still it gets me down sometimes. I keep telling myself to take advantage of it to get my photography up to scratch before I take the big plunge. 🙂