Well good by 2013 – You hard your ups and downs – Here is to 2014 that better be…

01 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts Tags: , ,

Comments: 20

  1. Daniel Kuciel 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    Happy 2014 Brent!

  2. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    +Daniel Kuciel To you also……

  3. Edward Bartel 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    +1 to your Happy New Year sentiment; +10 to the lighting on this image!

  4. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    +Edward Bartel thanks.. Hally New Yeart back.. See I cannot type and I do not even drink…… Go Figure…

  5. Sandra Parlow 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    HNY, Brent!!  ♥

  6. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    +Sandra Parlow Yeh! Zombie Princess! HNY to you also…. (I have no idea how to do a heart)

  7. Sandra Parlow 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    lol!  seriously?  You, the tech nerd, don't know how to make a heart?

    that's awesome!!!  ♥♥♥♥♥

  8. Daniel Kuciel 1 Jan 2014 Reply


  9. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    You know +Sandra Parlow if I did not like you I would…….

    Do nothing and still not know how to make a heart… O:-)

  10. Sandra Parlow 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    lol!  are you on a PC?  I bet you're on your phone.  I dont think you can do it from a phone..  
    And I like you too 😉

  11. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    Tablet… Yes… I can only sit here and listen to my nutball neighbors try to burn down the neighborhood…… With fireworks…

  12. Sandra Parlow 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    go out and join them!  Do it with wreckless abandon!!!

  13. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    Zzzzzzzzzzzzz old guy…. Need beauty sleep….

  14. Sandra Parlow 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    'night, old guy.. 😉

  15. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    Night zombie lady…

  16. Sandra Parlow 1 Jan 2014 Reply


    better sleep with one eye open…  

  17. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    I always do….

  18. Sumit Sen 1 Jan 2014 Reply


  19. T.E. Smith 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    Some really attainable resolutions (that I have adopted) , +Brent Burzycki and very lovely image… Happy New Year!

  20. Brent Burzycki 1 Jan 2014 Reply

    It's the middle one that dictates all…. +T.E. Smith

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