In album Google+ for Photographers (1 photo)
Reshared post from +Colby Brown
The "Google+ for Photographers" book is nearly here
The 1st copy of my new book "Google+ for Photographers" arrived in the mail today. This means that we are very close to the book being released to the public with Amazon shipping pre-orders out in the next week in a half. Inside the book you will find all of the details involved with creating, maintaining and growing a presence on Google+ as a photographer. Throughout the book you will also find "Colby's Quick Tips" that you with my best pieces of advice for being an active and engaging member of Google+.
Each chapter contains an interview from some of the top photographers on the network, giving you insight on how they utilize Google+ for their needs (+Elia Locardi +Brian Matiash +Catherine Hall +Scott Jarvie +Varina Patel +Jay Patel +Trey Ratcliff +Alex Koloskov +Patrick Di Fruscia and +Dave Cohen from Google) .
Throughout the book you will also find 4 separate photographer highlights of the winners of my Google+ essay contest that was held last year (+Jacob James +mark waslick +Grayson Hartman +Melly Sh Y Hardt ). They showcase some of their photography work walk talking about what Google+ means to them.
The website for the book is nearly complete as well, which will showcase another 20+ photographers that entered my Google+ essay contest as well as content from the book itself. Look for that release later in the week.
In order to demonstrate how to utilize Google+, I pulled screenshots from my own G+ stream, which means that many of you are in the book making cameo appearances.
Currently you can pre-order the book from Amazon here: e-book version will be available as well.
+Vincent Mo +Brian Rose +Chris Chabot +Natalie Villalobos +Katherine Gramann +Vic Gundotra +Larry Page +Louis Gray +Romain Guy +Bob Cleveland
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