
10 Oct 2016 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 29

  1. Shadow Rider 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    A-7B Voight Corsair!!!!

  2. Ernest W 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    Last Gunfighter

  3. Jim K 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    +Shadow Rider nope, crusader.

  4. F-8 Crusader A-7 was shorter

  5. Shadow Rider 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    +Christopher Phirman I think you may be right on that. Shorter just behind canopy.

  6. Jeb Hoge 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    A-7 also had a rounder nosecone and no afterburner section.

  7. Yes shorter behind canopy and you can make out lift section for air brake

  8. Elsyamma Kartika 10 Oct 2016 Reply


  9. It's an A-7; so what they mounted afterburners?

  10. Jeb Hoge 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    +akira lee It's not an A-7, it's an F-8 Crusader.

  11. +Jeb Hoge The F-8 Crusader is 1meter shtorter, the wings are mounted 30cm more backwards + they are longer…It's an A-7;

  12. Jeb Hoge 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    Here's an A-7 refueling an F-8. You decide.

  13. Jim K 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    This plane has gun ports, so is Crusader.

  14. It's a fucking decoy on your awareness.. It's overhauled.

  15. +akira lee Its for sure an F-8, the nose cone is pointed on the F-8 and the A-7 is more round. The pilot sits even more forward on the A-7 than this F-8. The gun ports indicate that this is an F-8. The space between then cockpit on the wing is right for an F-8. I used to work on A-7 know them quite well. This is for sure not A-7, its to large

  16. +Christopher Phirman Look: U work for the MI-5: I've got you on cam control… Nowhere to hide O.S.S.

  17. well alrighty then lol

  18. I work for the company that built theses planes its a F 8 Crusader

  19. +JE'FlyingJ'Timmons I just checked the nat.register to +044, just like Christopher: ur a fucking liar!

  20. Michael England 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    Beautiful man. So very very beautiful. I'm going to build my first home grown, fly it buy the seat of me paints Lol


  21. Michael England 10 Oct 2016 Reply

    My toys I fly and love flying on the windyst of days I can read the current and land them touch and go's. I'm just Hungary now to get my wings on for real.

  22. David Cheng 10 Oct 2016 Reply


  23. Michael Richards 11 Oct 2016 Reply

    Obvious troll is obvious in this thread… It's an F-8 and we all know it…

  24. +akira lee lol yur funny and a waste

  25. +JE'FlyingJ'Timmons locked on by Discovery. Lock off plse

  26. Dan Rundell 12 Oct 2016 Reply

    F8 crusader

  27. Edric Tsubaki 14 Oct 2016 Reply

    Early Vietnam model

  28. Bernie Auchter 10 Dec 2016 Reply

    The last gunfighter F-8 Crusader

  29. Sorry, I discredit too much, real apology, because I am BEyond Stealth.

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